Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tuesday 10/2/07 - Still Pondering the Reasons

I have noticed that I am still thinking about the reasons we hear administrators give when asked to consider the use of technology in schools, and/or classrooms. I am noticing that I am becoming irritated when I consider the resaons given. I wonder if their is more time being given to not considering the use of technology to advance students learning than if they would just embrace the concept and commit effort to creating a group to discuss possibilities, review opportunities, and then make their decision.


Nate Maas said...

Nice meeting you Eddie. That is one cute kid in the photo! Look forward to your contributions to our cohort.

Karen Renee said...

Nice blog! Who won the game?

Dr. Patrick Faverty said...

So, Eddie, why do you suppose that school leaders react the way you suggest?